【Blog】Visit Sylhet, Bangladesh
I am now staying in Sylhet in northeastern Bangladesh. I added sensors for long wave and short wave radiation to an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) already installed in the Sylhet Airport. We needed a box storing the data logger and battery and a stay to install solar panel. We ordered them to a local ironwork nearby the airport. This is photo with Mr. Ayas Uddin-san (from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)), the manager of the ironwork and his two sons working with their father. Many thanks!

During my work in Sylhet in NE Bangladesh, I was helped by Dr. Anowarul Islam, who awarded PhD from Hokkaido University. He is now the Head of the Department of Geography and Environment, Shahjalal University. He explained our requirements to the people in ironwork the day before yesterday, and helped purchasing several small materials that will finalize the installation of logger box yesterday.